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Universities and Higher Education
Submission to the Bradley Enquiry (2008) Publications and other items Robert M. Pirsig on The Two Universities, being an excerpt from his book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, published in 1974. Rodney Nillsen, Don't do what Australia has done, Quadrant, November 2004, pp. 26-29. Rodney Nillsen, The concept of integrity in teaching and learning, Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 2 (3), 2005, pp. 96-105. Malcolm Saunders, The madness and malady of managerialism Quadrant, March 2006, pp. 9-17. Rodney Nillsen, Universities need to find their own voice, a paper based upon an invited address given at the The Big Picture Debate sponsored by the Academic Senate of the University of Wollongong and delivered on Wednesday 18th November, 2009. Rodney Nillsen, Changes of culture and purpose in Australian universities: 1988 to the present, proceedings of the conference "The University -- meeting place of confrontation between reason and faith" (translated from the Slovak), held in Badin, Slovakia, September 2011. Rodney Nillsen, Higher education policy and cultural change in universities, Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Conference of the Independent Scholars Association of Australia, 2020, pp. 93-112. In May 2023, the Independent Scholars Association of Australia made a submission in response to the discussion paper of the panel considering the proposed universities accord. The submission may be viewed here. In August 2023, the Independent Scholars Association of Australia (ISAA) responded to the Interim Report released by the universities accord panel following submissions received on its earlier discussion paper. You can read the ISAA response to the Interim Report.