A brief curriculum vitae. Rodney Nillsen was educated at the Launceston High School, Tasmania, and the University of Tasmania. His undergraduate study was in mathematics, science and literature. He did postgraduate study under Igor Kluvánek at The Flinders University of South Australia. He had short term teaching experience at the The Flinders University of South Australia, The Open University (UK) and the University of Calgary (Alberta). He has held positions at the Royal University of Malta, University College of Swansea (Wales), and the University of Wollongong (New South Wales). He is a professor at the University of Wollongong and holds degrees of B.Sc.(Tas.), M.Sc., PhD. (Flin.) and D.Sc. (Tas.). He is a member of The Australian Mathematical Society, The American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America, and a Fellow of The Australian Mathematical Society. He is also a member of the Independent Scholars Association of Australia.



2010 Randomness and Recurrence in Dynamical Systems, Carus Mathematical Monographs, Mathematical Association of America, Washington DC, USA, 2010 [364 pages].

1994 Difference Spaces and Invariant Linear Forms, Lecture Notes in Mathematics volume 1586, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1994 [186 pages].

Mathematics, history and philosophy
2022 Infinitesimal Knowledges, Axiomathes, 32 (3) (2022), 557-583.

Mathematical Research (Fourier analysis)

2019 Vanishing Fourier transforms and generalized differences in $L^2({\mathbb R})$, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 62 (2) (2019), 393-404.

2018 (with Susumu Okada) Sharpness results concerning finite differences in Fourier Analysis on the circle group, Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (Szeged), 84 (2018), 591-609.

2017 Vanishing Fourier coefficients and the expression of functions in $L^2({\mathbb T})$ as sums of generalised differences, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 455 (2017), 1425-1443.

2004 (with S. Okada) Sharp results concerning the expression of functions as sums of finite differences, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., 88 (2004), 479--504.

1996 Differentiate and make waves, Expositiones Mathematicae 14 (1996), 57-84.

1992 Topologically invariant linear forms on spaces of abstract distributions on a locally compact abelian group, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 114 (1992), 77- 82.

1992 Banach spaces of functions and distributions characterized by singular integrals involving the Fourier transform, Journ. Func. Anal., 110 (1992), 73- 95.

1991 Functions with piecewise linear Fourier transforms, Journ. Math. Anal. Appl., 157 (1991), 301-317.

1986 Some basic sequences and their moment operators, Proc. Centre Math. Anal., Australian National University, 14 (1986), Miniconference on Operator Theory and Partial Differential Equations, held at Macquarie University, September 8-10 (1986), pp. 246-271.

Mathematical Research (dynamical systems, randomness and probability)
2024 Sums associated with orbits in the binary dynamical system, Real Analysis Exchange, 50(1), 2024, pp. 1-37.

2017 (with M. Ismael and G. Williams) Standard deviation of recurrence times for piecewise linear transformations, Asian European Journal of Mathematics 10, No. 1 (2017) 1750009, 10 pages.

2014 (with M. Ismael and G. Williams) Variation of Poincaré recurrence times in discrete dynamical systems, Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics 14 (2) (2014), pp. 95-123.

2007 (with A. Koeller and G. Williams) Weakly mixing transformations and the Carathéodory definition of measurable sets, Colloquium Math. 108 (2007), pp. 317- 328.

2001 Irrational rotations motivate measurable sets, Elem. Der Math. 56 (2001), pp. 1- 17.

2000 Normal numbers without measure theory, Amer. Math. Monthly, 107 (2000), pp. 639-644.

1999 Chaos and one-to-oneness, The Mathematics Magazine, 72(1) (1999), pp. 14-21.

1997 A Cause of Chaos, The Mathematical Scientist 22 (1997), pp. 58-61.

1975 Discrete orbits in $\beta\,{\mathbb N}-{\mathbb N}$, Colloq. Math. 33 (1975), 71-81.

Mathematical Research (Invariance of function spaces and linear forms)
1985 Invariant subspaces of some function spaces on a locally compact group, Journ. Func. Anal., 64 (1985), 338-357

1991 Adapted sets of measures and invariant functionals on $L^p(G)$, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 325 (1991), 345-362.

1976 Nets of extreme Banach limits, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 55 (1976), 347- 352.

Mathematical Research (Differential and difference equations)
1979 (with J. M. Hill) Mutually conjugate solutions of formally self adjoint differential equations, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh (Series A), 83 (1979), 93-101.

1980 (with P J. Browne) The two-sided factorisation of ordinary differential operators, Canad. J. Math., XXXII (1980), 1045-1057.

1983 (with P. J. Browne) On difference operators and their factorisation, Canad. J. Math., XXXV (1983), 873- 897.

Education and higher education policy
2019 Higher education policy and cultural change in Australian universities, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Independent Scholars Association of Australia, held at the National Library, Canberra ACT, 13th-14th October, 2016. Published in 2020

2011 Changes of culture and purpose in Australian universities: 1988 to the present, Proceedings of the conference "The University -- meeting place of confrontation between reason and faith" (translated from the Slovak), held in Badin, Slovakia, September 2011.

2005 The concept of integrity in teaching and learning, Journ. of University Teaching, Learning and Practice, 2 (2005), 85-93.

2004 Can the love of learning be taught?, Journ. of Univ. Teaching, Learning and Practice, 1 (2004), 1-9.

2004 Don't do what Australia has done, Quadrant, 1 (2004), 1-9.

School and undergraduate mathematics
2024 Equal Representation, Australian Mathematics Education Journal, 11 pages, to appear.

2019 Public policy and quadratic functions, Australian Mathematics Education Journal, 1 (2019), 4-9.

2017 A comparison of two types of bank investments, Australian Senior Mathematics Journal, 31 (2017), 5-18.

2013 A proof that the series $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} 1/n^p$ is convergent for $p>1$, The Mathematical Gazette, 97 (2013), 273.

2008 An application of elementary functions to a resource allocation problem, Australian Senior Mathematics Journal, 22 (2008), 29-35.

2007 An application of quadratic functions to Australian Government policy on funding schools, Australian Senior Mathematics Journal, 21 (2007), 58-64.

Book reviews

1989 Malcolm Muggeridge, Conversion: a spiritual journey, Collins 1988. Review published at Quadrant, 7, Vol. 33, July 1989, p. 68.

2022 Melissa Harper and Richard White (eds.), Symbols of Australia: imagining a nation, NewSouth Publishing, Sydney, 2021. Review published in the The Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, 108 (1), (2022), 115-116.

2023 Ann McGrath, Laura Rademaker and Jakelin Troy (eds), Everywhen: Australia and the language of deep history, NewSouth Press. Review published in The Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, 109 (2), 2023, 217-218.

Read The Human Research Ethics Environment, a presentation given at Wollongong Hospital as Chair of the University of Wollongong/Illawarra Area Health Service Human Research Ethics Committee, 20th July 2004.


This page updated 29th October 2024