Since I moved to Wollongong in 1986 my main area of research is Information Systems (IS). As my children were still young. I applied for, and was offered three half time positions at the University: one in Physics, one in Computer Science and the third in the Faculty of Commerce in what was to become the Department of Information Systems. Although I had 2 degrees in Physics and a Post-graduate Diploma in Computer Science, I chose IS because it is a new, exciting and evolving field of study gaining in importance as our lives are increasingly dominated by the capability provided by interconnected digital devices. It has breadth as well as depth; investigating the connections between people and technology in an environment where the technology is continually evolving. I am able to make a unique and significant contribution within the field of IS because of the diversity of knowledge and capabilities, including:
· a strong grounding in basic science, a Bachelor of Science majoring in Physics with distinction, where I learnt the value of careful observation of whatever I study and a dedication to seek the truth in whatever I analyse and report,
· an early appreciation of the challenges of multi-disciplinary work in a Master of Science by Research in biophysics, where I applied the capability of newly discovered Field-effect Transistors (FET) to record (on a new HP computer that I learnt to program myself) changes in electronic patterns in response to temperature changes. My Master’s research resulted in a paper in the A* science journal, Nature,
· a move to the social science when I undertook my PhD research on how Executive Information Systems (very new at the time) could support strategic decision making. My PhD work was also published in an A* journal (Decision Support Systems) and an A journal (Strategic Information Systems), with these papers being particularly widely cited.
Since completing my PhD I have continued to develop the quality and range of my research skills, with a significant record of grants and publications. I have been able to develop my academic and research leadership skills with a terms as Head of Department, Director of several research Centres as well as Chair of National and International Professional Associations.
I have an internationally reputation for my work in Knowledge Management as a founding member of the board of the Journal of KMRP and a member of the Australian Standard KM Committee and more recently in the area of Green IS establishing the global Special Interest Group SIGGreen. With decades of experience as a woman in non-traditional areas I take seriously my position as a leader, role model and mentor to others.