The Whistleblower's Handbook

How to Be an Effective Resister 

Brian Martin, The Whistleblower's Handbook: How to Be an Effective Resister (Charlbury, UK: Jon Carpenter; Sydney: Envirobook, 1999). Out of print from 2008.


Entire book in pdf, 89 pages, 1.6MB


This definitive manual for people who speak out in the public interest tells you how to assess options, prepare for action, use official channels, build support -- and survive the experience. And it is filled with sample cases that show what can happen when you make the wrong assumptions or take the wrong actions.

The wrongdoing you uncover might involve corruption, injustice, theft or danger to the public. What should you do? If you do nothing, the problem will continue, lives might even be threatened. If you speak out, you may be attacked -- more seriously than you can imagine -- and the problem may still continue.

Brian Martin's advice is based on his contact with hundreds of whistleblowers and dissidents, plus consultation with others experienced in the area. There can be no guarantees, but following his advice can improve your chances of success. Even if you never expect to challenge the system yourself, this handbook can give you valuable insight into the dynamics of individual struggles and the problems other people face.


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