Abuse of Medical Assessments to Dismiss
by a member of Whistleblowers Australia
December 1997
This document is located on
Martin's website on suppression of dissent
in the section on
Stories from whistleblowers suggests that a repeated and highly
consistent aspect of the whistleblowing experience is the abuse by
the employer of medical and psychiatric appointments as a mechanism
for intimidating whistleblowers and avoiding the need to address the
real issues.
Referral for psychiatric assessment comes after the whistleblower
has persisted in raising a workplace issue of fraud, corruption or
mismanagement which is internally investigated but not properly
addressed. The referral may also come after the whistleblower has
been formally charged with internal or external disciplinary charges
based on a fabricated wrongdoing and where that charge or those
charges have been dropped.
Removal of Support for the Whistleblower
In life outside an organisation, being falsely accused of
wrongdoing is stressful. There are however, often people who will
stand up for the accused, and evidence which can be obtained to
defend oneself.
The effect of being falsely charged within an organisation
is particularly stressful for the whistleblower for the following
- Dependence on the workplace for their own livelihood means
potential supporters are much less likely to speak out and put
themselves in a vulnerable position.
- Potential supporters might readily be bribed - their stand
influenced by promises of overseas conference trips, promotions
they have always wanted etc. Such messages are obvious to the
recipient, to the whistleblower, and to those who are watching.
Many people can fairly readily accept such bribes since they feel
that their promotions and other opportunities are well deserved
anyway. Not unexpectedly they take the line of least resistance.
Those 'bribes' are a powerful way of influencing waverers - even
if they are not recipients of the 'bribe'. They are subtle, since
they are clear messages from management to staff, while at the
same time being (fairly) readily explained away by management as
being a normal part of the business if there is an inquiry.
- There is potential for the employer to encourage people who
might be envious towards the whistleblower for some reason to
speak out in particularly harsh terms, fabricate 'evidence', make
up or embellish stories, etc.
- There is a tendency for a significant percentage of the
workplace to strongly resent 'destabilisation' of the workplace
and they focus their anger against the whistleblower rather than
management since the whistleblower is a much easier target.
- The support mechanisms (human resource services for
counselling, etc.) available within the workplace environment are
not sufficiently independent of management. While such
professionals might be highly trained in addressing workplace
situations, much of that training focusses on assisting
individuals to regain some kind of productive capacity, rather
than confronting an incompetent or malicious management with a
case of substantial victimisation or breach of the Occupational
Health and Safety Act. In spite of it being their responsibility,
the option of supporting a somewhat confused, highly stressed,
perhaps fearful, relatively junior individual against a group of
calm, lying, coherent, senior managers presiding over an
intimidated workplace, can sometimes be just too difficult for
human resources staff.
- Since it clearly 'marks' the whistleblower, and from that
point on others in the workplace either avoid them or treat them
- The whistleblower is often assigned to menial duties to ensure
this lowerered status is well recognised by others, and to further
stress the whistleblower. They might be asked to photocopy
reports, or assigned to menial task of the activity which they
- Administrative staff who, by their nature, spend a large part
of their life making sure that things run smoothly within an
organisation can react strongly against whistleblowers who object
to carrying out maliciously motivated instructions. There can also
be personal value system differences between whistleblowers
adopting a questioning attitude towards management while
administrative staff may have a preference for regulation
- The whistleblower is likely to have considerable difficulty
coming to terms with the fact that the organisation, for whom they
have worked long and hard and in which they believe, is now
setting out "to get them".
Referral for Medical Assessment
The whistleblower, on the recommendation of their family doctor,
often takes considerable time off work on stress leave and lodges a
compensation claim for induced stress or victimisation against their
Rather than now addressing the workplace issues, a vindictive
management chooses to refer the employee for medical assessment.
Management tries to make out that the whistleblower is (i) a
malingerer and (ii) unfit for continued duty ... and therefore should
be retired or dismissed.
Ironically, but not unexpectedly, whistleblowers often have very
good work attendance up to the time they blow the whistle, but this
fact is conveniently ignored by internal investigating agencies and
by medical assessment agencies. Internal investigations also tend to
ignore all the other blindingly obvious contradictions and
indications that they are not being told the truth by managers about
the workplace situation. (These must wait until much later when they
are exposed in the media or in the courts.)
Regrettably, there are psychiatrists who are willing to give
highly questionable opinion stating 'psychiatric disorder' or
'psychiatric illness' or 'psychosis' as the diagnosis.
Even more disconcerting is the fact that a number of government
medical agencies (supposedly "independent medical advice") have been
willing to accept false and misleading information from the employer,
to pretend that the workplace issues do not exist, and recommend
psychiatric assessment. Pressures for health service provider
agencies to become self funding seem to have confused the role of
delivering a "service" (outcome to the **satisfaction** of the
referring body) with the need to offer an objective opinion.
A fair and independent assessment of the situation would involve
identification and highlighting of the workplace issues rather
further victimisation of the whistleblower. The mental health and
safety of the workplace should also be taken into account by any
medical assessment.
The Whistleblower's Challenge
The medical and psychiatric appointments of the whistleblower
(supported by false and misleading information written by management)
are for the following purpose:
- If the whistleblower is found to be "fit to continue" then it
is just a matter for management to "shop around" for another
opinion until they obtain a diagnosis wherein the whistleblower is
"not fit to continue" - thereby dismissing the whistleblower.
- If the whistleblower is found to be "unfit for duty" then this
is an easy means of dismissing the the whistleblower. The finding
of "personality disorder" is also often interpreted as being a
"pre-existing condition" and therefore dismissal can take place
without any payment for the considerable damage to the
- Most significantly, if the whistleblower is found to be "unfit
for duty" then management can indicate that it was all very
unfortunate but the whistleblower was "found to be psychiatrically
unfit to return to work" leaving the public (or any investigator)
to fill in the gaps about the psychiatric state of the
whistleblower and to doubt allegation made by the whistleblower. A
journalist might be reluctant to pursue a story if he or she must
explain and overcome the label of psychiatric disorder before
convincing the public of the real issue.
Whistleblowers Australia Survey
Whistleblowers Australia is conducting a survey on abuse by health
service providers who supply psychiatric findings to assist employers
dismiss whistleblowers. You can obtain more information by contacting
Whistleblowers Australia.