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Troubleshooting RLM hardware failures

An RLM problem can occur when a hardware failure has occurred on the RLM.


When the RLM fails, an EMS event similar to the following can be found: [rlm.heartbeat.stopped:warning]: Have not received a Heartbeat from the Remote LAN Module in the last n seconds, (reason)


  1. Run diagnostics by entering the following command from the boot environment prompt: boot_diags

    The diagnostics main menu appears.

    all         Run all system diagnostics
    mb          motherboard diagnostic
    mem         main memory diagnostic
    agent       agent & rlm diagnostic
    cf-card     CompactFlash controller diagnostic
    fcal        FCAL controller diagnostic
    stress      System wide stress diagnostic
    Config      (print a list of configured PCI devices)
    Default     (restore all options to default settings)
    Exit        (exit diagnostics and return to firmware 

  2. From the main menu, enter the following option: agent


    Enter Diag, Command or Option: agent

    The following RLM diagnostic menu appears.

    Agent Diagnostic
     1: Comprehensive test       
     2: Appl-Agent interface test
     3: Appl PS On-Off test      70: Show Agent ring
                                     buffer info
     4: RLM Memory test          71: Show RLM info
     5: RLM Sensor test          72: Show Restart reason
     6: RLM-Agent interface test 
     7: RLM IRQ test
     8: RLM NMI test              91: Enable/disable looping
                                  92: Stop/continue on
    11: RLM PS On-Off test        93: Extended/Normal test
                                  99: Exit
    Select test or feature by number [0]: 

  3. From the RLM diagnostic prompt, enter test number 1.


    Select test or feature by number [0]: 1

    Note: It takes approximately ten minutes to complete this test.

    This step initiates a comprehensive test that includes running tests 2 through 8 and 11. The results of each test are displayed.

  4. Based on the results of Step 3, diagnose the problem. If the problem persists, reseat the RLM and repeat Steps 1 to 4.

    If the problem still persists, replace the RLM.