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Troubleshooting AutoSupport over SMTP

If the AutoSupport test message is not being sent and you are using SMTP, check that the mail host specified is a host that the storage system can talk to and that the host can serve SMTP requests.


  1. Set debug level in the syslog.conf file by creating the following line in the /etc/syslog.conf file: *.debug /etc/messages
  2. Initiate AutoSupport by using the autosupport.doit option.

    An AutoSupport error message is displayed.

  3. Check that the mail host specified in the options is a host that the storage system can talk to by entering the following command on the storage system: ping mailhost_name

    mailhost_name is the name of the mail host specified in the AutoSupport options.

  4. Log on to the host designated as the mail host and make sure that it can serve SMTP requests by entering the following command (25 is the listener SMTP port number): netstat -aAn|grep 25

    A message will appear, similar to the following text:

    ff64878c tcp        0      0  *.25    *.*    LISTEN.

  5. Telnet to the SMTP port from some other host by entering the following command: telnet mailhost 25

    A message will appear, similar to the following text:

    Trying ...
    Connected to filer.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    220 Sendmail 4.1/SMI-4.1 ready at Thu, 30 Nov 95 10:49:04 PST 

  6. If you are still experiencing problems, use a local area network (LAN) trace.