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Controlling file ownership change privileges

You can control who has privileges to change directory and file ownership.


The following behaviors apply to ownership changes:
  • When a user without root privileges changes the owner of a file, the set-user-id and set-group-id bits are cleared.
  • If a user without root privileges tries to change the owner of a file but the change causes the file’s recipient to exceed the quota, the attempt fails.


  1. Access the storage system command line through the console or through a Telnet session.
  2. Do one of the following:
    If... Then...
    You want to restrict the privilege of changing directory and file ownership to the root user Enter the following command: options wafl.root_only_chown on
    You want to allow the privilege of changing directory and file ownership to all users Enter the following command: options wafl.root_only_chown off