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Creating a second-level vif on a single storage system

The following procedure assumes that you want to create a second-level vif called vif_name on a single storage system with two multimode vifs, called vif_name1 and vif_name2. The vif_name1 vif is composed of two physical interfaces, if1 and if2. And vif_name2 is composed of two physical interfaces, if3 and if4.

Before You Begin

You need to meet the following prerequisites to create a second-level vif:


  1. Enter the following command to create the first of two multimode interfaces: vif create multi -b {mac|ip} vif_name1 if1 if2

  2. Enter the following command to create the second of two multimode interfaces: vif create multi -b {mac|ip} vif_name2if3if4

    In both steps 1 and 2,-b specifies the type of load-balancing method.

    mac—specifies MAC addressed-based.

    ip—indicates IP addressed-based (default).

  3. Enter the following command to create a single-mode interface from the multimode interfaces: vif create single vif_name vif_name1 vif_name2


The following commands creates two vifs and a second-level vif. In this example, IP-based load-balancing is used for the multimode vifs.

vif create multi Firstlev1 e0 e1

vif create multi Firstlev2 e2 e3

vif create single Secondlev Firstlev1 Firstlev2