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Requesting a signed certificate from a non-Windows 2000 certificate authority

You can request a signed certificate from a non-Windows 2000 certificate authority.

Before You Begin

To request a signed certificate from a non-Windows 2000 certificate authority, follow the instructions on the certificate authority's web site. Non-Windows 2000 certificate authorities typically require you to generate and submit a certificate signing request.

To generate a certificate signing request for a certificate that you will be installing on a Windows client, use the openssl utility. For more information, search the Internet for "openssl."


  1. At your storage system command line, enter the following command:

    keymgr generate cert cert_file_name KeyLen = key_length KeyFile = key_file_name Common = storage_system_common_name Country = two_character_country_code State = full_state_name Local = organization_locality Organ = organization_name Unit = unit_name

cert_file_name is the name of the file into which to store the unsigned certificate. Data ONTAP stores this file in the /etc/keymgr/cert directory.

key_length is the length of the private key in bits. For example, 1024.

key_file_name is the name of the file in which to store the private key. Data ONTAP stores this file in the /etc/keymgr/key directory.

two_character_country_code is the two-character abbreviation for the country where the storage system is located without punctuation. For example, US or CA.

full_state_name is the full name of the state where the storage system is located. For example, California or Washington.

organization_name is the name of the organization or company running the storage system.

organization_locality is the city where the storage system is located. For example, Sunnyvale or Berkeley.

unit_name is name of the department or organization unit running the storage system.

Note: All symbols, such as ampersand (&) or at (@) symbols, must be spelled out in or omitted from the organization and unit names.