Minor Study Areas (Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities) | 2020
The Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities offers Minors in the following Humanities and the Arts areas listed below.
Some important information regarding minors includes:
- Minors consist of 24 credit points, 12 of which will be at 200 level or higher.
- You cannot study a major and a minor of the same title. For example, you cannot study both a major and a minor in Sociology. If a particular minor has any other restrictions, they will be listed below.
- You can only cross-count one subject across your degree. This means you cannot double-count subjects in your major or degree towards your minor. You will need to choose different subjects.
- Minors will appear on your transcript, but not on your testamur.
- You can declare and/or change most minors via SOLS. Some minors will require Faculty approval. If you cannot select your choice on SOLS, students can complete an application to declare or change their Minor.
Ancient History
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
HIST112 | Lost Worlds: The 'Big History' of Ancient History | 6 |
HIST259 | Ancient History: Greece | 6 |
HIST262 | Ancient History: Rome | 6 |
HIST386 | Ancient Texts | 6 |
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Animal Studies
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
PHIL256 | Environmental Philosophy: Animals, Nature and Ethics | 6 |
SOC 235 | Living with Animals | 6 |
ENGL381 | Animals and Ecology in Literature and Film | 6 |
Plus a minimum of ONE of the following: |
INDS205 | Indigenous Peoples and the Environment | 6 |
STS 216 | Environmental Sustainability, Risk and Governance | 6 |
SOC 226 | Activism, Change and Society | 6 |
GEOG222 | Society and Environment: Resources, Challenges, Futures | 6 |
LAW 337 | Animal Law | 6 |
INTS311 | Human Security, Global Capitalism and the Environment | 6 |
STS 302 | Climate Change Policy, Possible Futures | 6 |
PHIL326 | Bioethics | 6 |
CAVA332 | Art, Nature and the Environment | 6 |
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Art History
The Art History Minor is not available to students studying the 'Visual Arts' or the 'Visual Arts and Design' major.
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
CAVA107 | 100 Objects That Changed the World | 6 |
Plus a minimum of THREE from the following: |
CAVA204 | Multiple Modernisms | 6 |
CAVA232 | Contemporary Indigenous Art: Theory and Practice | 6 |
CAVA300 | The Future of Art & Design | 6 |
CAVA332 | Art, Nature and the Environment | 6 |
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Asia Pacific Studies
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
INTS121 | Global Politics and Power | 6 |
Plus a minimum of THREE from the following: |
BCM 320 | Digital Asia | 6 |
HIST200 | Oceans of History: Exploring the Pacific | 6 |
HIST204 | Illicit Trades: Trafficking and Slavery in Global History | 6 |
HIST293 | China since 1949 | 6 |
JAPA220 | The Making of a Globalised Japan | 6 |
POL 308 | The Politics of Development | 6 |
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Australian Studies
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
A minimum of ONE of the following: |
AUST101 | Australian Studies: Cultures and Identities | 6 |
AUST102 | Locating Australia: International Perspectives | 6 |
Plus subjects from the below to make a total of 24 credit points in the minor. At least TWO of the following must be at 200 or 300 level. |
AUST101 | Australian Studies: Cultures and Identities | 6 |
AUST102 | Locating Australia: International Perspectives | 6 |
ENGL131 | Australian Fiction and Film | 6 |
INDS150 | Introduction to Indigenous Australia | 6 |
HIST258 | Australians and War | 6 |
HIST281 | Hands-On History | 6 |
HIST351 | Australian History: Moments that Matter | 6 |
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Chinese(Mandarin) for Character Background Students
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
Beginner entry |
MAND161 | Chinese (Mandarin) for Character Background Students (CBS) 1 | 6 |
MAND162 | Chinese (Mandarin) for Character Background Students (CBS) 2 | 6 |
MAND271 | Comparative studies of China and Australia 1 | 6 |
MAND272 | Comparative Studies of China and Australia 2 | 6 |
Intermediate entry |
MAND271 | Comparative studies of China and Australia 1 | 6 |
MAND272 | Comparative Studies of China and Australia 2 | 6 |
MAND371 | Chinese Literature | 6 |
MAND372 | Chinese in Workplaces | 6 |
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Creative Production
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
Choose TWO from the following: |
BCM 115 | Introduction to Screen Media | 6 |
CAMS103 | Introduction to Audio Production | 6 |
CAMS104 | Introduction to Music Production | 6 |
Plus TWO from the following: |
CAOS204 | Sound Design | 6 |
CAOS203 | Video | 6 |
BCM 216 | Transmedia Storytelling | 6 |
CAPA216 | Lighting | 6 |
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Creative Writing
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
CACW100 | Introduction to Creative Writing | 6 |
Plus ONE from the following: |
CACW103 | Editing Foundation | 6 |
CACW104 | Text and Context | 6 |
Plus a minimum of TWO from the following: |
CACW201 | Poetry Studio | 6 |
CACW202 | Script Studio | 6 |
CACW203 | Prose Studio | 6 |
CACW231 | Writing, Representation and Power | 6 |
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Cultural Studies
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
CST 120 | Culture and Society | 6 |
CST 244 | The Secret Life of Policy | 6 |
CST 245 | Critical Thinking | 6 |
Plus a minimum of ONE from the following: |
CST 130 | Culture in Context | 6 |
CST 361 | Feminisms: Love, Rage and Activism | 6 |
CST 371 | Race and Place | 6 |
SOC 238 | Happiness: Investigating its Causes and Conditions | 6 |
SOC 329 | Globalisation and Social Transformation | 6 |
SOC 344 | Emotions, Bodies & Society | 6 |
SOC 347 | Sociology of Health, Illness and Medicine | 6 |
SOC 356 | Cultures of Dispossession | 6 |
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Digital and Social Media
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
BCM 112 | Emergent Media | 6 |
BCM 206 | Future Networks | 6 |
BCM 325 | Future cultures | 6 |
Plus a minimum of ONE of the following: |
BCM 214 | Digital and Social Innovation | 6 |
BCM 215 | Game Media | 6 |
BCM 300 | Game Making | 6 |
BCM 302 | Advanced Digital Media Project | 6 |
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English Language and Linguistics
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
ELL 110 | Language as a Cultural Tool | 6 |
ELL 280 | Languages around the world | 6 |
Plus ONE from the following: |
ELL 182 | Effective Academic Writing | 6 |
ELL 151 | Effective Spoken Communication (NESB) | 6 |
Plus a minimum of ONE from the following: |
ELL 230 | Communication Across Cultures | 6 |
ELL 240 | Digital Tools for Language Learning and Language Analysis | 6 |
ELL 272 | Analysing Language, text and meaning | 6 |
ELL 330 | World Englishes | 6 |
ELL 380 | Language as Evidence in Social Inquiry | 6 |
ELL 372 | Current Developments in Discourse Analysis | 6 |
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English Literatures
Complete a minimum of 24 credit points of subjects from the English Literatures major. 12 credit points must be at 200 or 300 level.
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Environmental Humanities
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
INDS205 | Indigenous Peoples and the Environment | 6 |
PHIL256 | Environmental Philosophy: Animals, Nature and Ethics | 6 |
STS 216 | Environmental Sustainability, Risk and Governance | 6 |
Plus a minimum of ONE of the following: |
CMP 100 | Ocean Conservation and Development | 6 |
SOC 235 | Living with Animals | 6 |
HIST292 | Power and Protest | 6 |
SOC 208 | Cities, Communities and Families | 6 |
SOC 226 | Activism, Change and Society | 6 |
GEOG222 | Society and Environment: Resources, Challenges, Futures | 6 |
STS 286 | Risk, Media and Communication | 6 |
INTS311 | Human Security, Global Capitalism and the Environment | 6 |
STS 302 | Climate Change Policy, Possible Futures | 6 |
ENGL381 | Animals and Ecology in Literature and Film | 6 |
PHIL326 | Bioethics | 6 |
CAVA332 | Art, Nature and the Environment | 6 |
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Subject Code |
Subject Name |
Credit Points |
A minimum of ONE from the following: |
PHIL106 |
Media, Art, and Society |
6 |
PHIL107 |
Introduction to Philosophy |
6 |
PHIL151 |
Logic: The Art of Reasoning |
6 |
Plus a minimum of TWO from the following: |
PHIL218 |
Ethics: Good, Bad and Evil |
6 |
PHIL226 |
Global Ethics |
6 |
PHIL256 |
Environmental Philosophy: Animals, Nature and Ethics |
6 |
Plus a minimum of ONE from the following: |
PHIL319 |
Political Philosophy: Justice, Equality and Rights |
6 |
PHIL326 |
Bioethics |
6 |
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European Studies
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
HIST111 | Age of Revolutions | 6 |
HIST305 | Europe in World History | 6 |
Plus a minimum of TWO from the following: |
FREN230 | The Making of France and the French Nation | 6 |
ITAL230 | Italy: Past and Present | 6 |
SPAN230 | The Hispanic World | 6 |
HIST371 | Twentieth-Century Dictatorships | 6 |
LANG335 | Literature and Society in Renaissance Europe | 6 |
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Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
*Beginner Entry |
FREN151 | French for Beginners 1 | 6 |
FREN152 | French for Beginners 2 | 6 |
FREN241 | Intermediate French 1 | 6 |
FREN242 | Intermediate French 2 | 6 |
*Intermediate Entry |
FREN241 | Intermediate French 1 | 6 |
FREN242 | Intermediate French 2 | 6 |
FREN341 | Advanced French 1 | 6 |
FREN342 | Advanced French 2 | 6 |
* Definitions of beginner and intermediate entry is available on the French major handbook.
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Game Production
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
BCM 215 | Game Media | 6 |
BCM 300 | Game Making | 6 |
A minimum of ONE of the following: |
BCM 114 | Making Media | 6 |
CACW100 | Introduction to Creative Writing | 6 |
VCD 102 | Interaction Design Fundamentals | 6 |
VAD 190 | Design Principles | 6 |
VAD 192 | Design Practice | 6 |
Plus a minimum of ONE of the following: |
CAOS203 | Video | 6 |
CAOS204 | Sound Design | 6 |
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Gender and Sexuality Studies
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
SOC 227 | Genders and Sexualities | 6 |
Plus THREE from the following: |
CST 120 | Culture and Society | 6 |
ECON208 | Gender, Work and the Family | 6 |
SOC 252 | Revive, Resist: Belonging amidst Difference | 6 |
CST 361 | Feminisms: Love, Rage and Activism | 6 |
ENGL379 | Desiring Bodies: Gender & Sexuality in Literature & Film | 6 |
HIST387 | Sex in the Modern World | 6 |
LAW 303 | Family Law | 6 |
LAW 326 | Gender, Sexuality and the Law | 6 |
SOC 344 | Emotions, Bodies & Society | 6 |
SOC 347 | Sociology of Health, Illness and Medicine | 6 |
SOC 351 | Men and Masculinities | 6 |
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Global Sustainable Development
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
Core |
INTS204 | Global Aid and Development: Challenges and Prospects | 6 |
PHIL226 | Global Ethics | 6 |
INTS311 | Human Security, Global Capitalism and the Environment | 6 |
Plus a minimum of ONE of the following: |
POL 309 | Global Political Economy | 6 |
POL 326 | Global Inequality | 6 |
SOC 329 | Globalisation and Social Transformation | 6 |
SOC 356 | Cultures of Dispossession | 6 |
STS 302 | Climate Change Policy, Possible Futures | 6 |
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Global Screen Media
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
Choose a minimum of TWO from the following: |
BCM 111 | Global Media and Culture | 6 |
BCM 112 | Emergent Media | 6 |
BCM 115 | Introduction to Screen Media | 6 |
Choose a minimum of TWO from the following: |
BCM 216 | Transmedia Storytelling | 6 |
BCM 217 | Documentary | 6 |
CAOS203 | Video | 6 |
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International Relations
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
INTS200 | Model United Nations | 6 |
INTS207 | Conflict, Peace & Security | 6 |
POL 309 | Global Political Economy | 6 |
Plus a minimum of ONE from the following: |
HIST358 | War and Society | 6 |
INTS352 | Special Topics in Politics and International Studies | 6 |
LAW 343 | International Law | 6 |
LAW 354 | Human Rights Law | 6 |
POL 306 | Complex Peace Operations | 6 |
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Indigenous Studies
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
A minimum of ONE from the following: |
INDS130 | Indigenous Knowledge in Global Contexts | 6 |
INDS150 | Introduction to Indigenous Australia | 6 |
Plus a minimum of ONE from the following: |
INDS207 | Indigeneity in the Contemporary World | 6 |
INDS208 | Working with Indigenous Communities | 6 |
Plus: |
INDS305 | Research and Indigenous Communities | 6 |
Plus ONE 200 or 300 level subjects from the list of electives from the Indigenous Studies major. |
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Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
*Beginners Entry |
ITAL151 | Italian for Beginners 1 | 6 |
ITAL152 | Italian for Beginners 2 | 6 |
ITAL241 | Intermediate Italian 1 | 6 |
ITAL242 | Intermediate Italian 2 | 6 |
*Intermediate Entry |
ITAL241 | Intermediate Italian 1 | 6 |
ITAL242 | Intermediate Italian 2 | 6 |
ITAL341 | Advanced Italian 1 | 6 |
ITAL342 | Advanced Italian 2 | 6 |
* Definitions of beginner and intermediate entry is available on the Italian major handbook.
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Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
*Beginner Entry |
JAPA141 | Beginner Japanese 1 | 6 |
JAPA142 | Beginner Japanese 2 | 6 |
JAPA241 | Intermediate Japanese 1 | 6 |
JAPA242 | Intermediate Japanese 2 | 6 |
*Intermediate Entry |
JAPA241 | Intermediate Japanese 1 | 6 |
JAPA242 | Intermediate Japanese 2 | 6 |
Plus a minimum of TWO from the following: |
JAPA341 | Advanced Japanese 1 | 6 |
JAPA342 | Advanced Japanese 2 | 6 |
JAPA343 | Advanced Japanese 3 | 6 |
JAPA344 | Advanced Japanese 4 | 6 |
JAPA320 | Advanced Readings in Japanese | 6 |
* Definitions of beginner and intermediate entry is available on the Japanese major handbook.>
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Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
JRNL101 | Media Reporting and Storytelling 1 | 6 |
JRNL102 | Multimedia Reporting and Production | 6 |
JRNL203 | Audio Journalism Production 1 | 6 |
JRNL204 | Video Journalism Production 1 | 6 |
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Marketing Communication and Advertising
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
Core |
MARK101 | *Marketing Principles | 6 |
MARK250 | Advertising Practice and Creative Strategies | 6 |
MARK221 | Public Relations Concepts | 6 |
MARK322 | Corporate Identity and Branding | 6 |
* Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Commerce and related double degrees, for whom MARK101 is a compulsory subject, may complete a minor in Marketing Communication and Advertising by substituting MGNT102.
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Media Arts
Students completing the 'Global Screen Media' major may not take the Media Arts Minor.
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
BCM 115 | Introduction to Screen Media | 6 |
MEDA102 | Alternative Cinemas | 6 |
BCM 216 | Transmedia Storytelling | 6 |
MEDA202 | Tangible Media | 6 |
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Modern History
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
HIST111 | Age of Revolutions | 6 |
Plus a minimum of ONE from the following: |
AUST101 | Australian Studies: Cultures and Identities | 6 |
AUST102 | Locating Australia: International Perspectives | 6 |
Plus credit points to complete a total of 24 credit points for the minor, selected from 200 and 300 level subjects offered in the History Major (excluding Ancient History Subjects). |
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Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points | Session(s) |
A maximum of TWO of the following: |
CAMS101 | Music Skills 1 | 6 | Autumn |
CAMS102 | Music Skills 2 | 6 | Spring |
CAMS105 | Critical Studies in Music 1 | 6 | Autumn |
Plus a minimum of TWO of the following: |
CAMS201 | Music Studio 1 | 6 | Autumn |
CAMS204 | Music and Culture | 6 | Not available in 2020 |
CAMS232 | Critical Studies in Music 2 | 6 | Spring |
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Complete a minimum of 24 credit points of subjects from the Philosophy major. 12 credit points must be at 200 or 300 level.
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Philosophy Of Psychology
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
PHIL234 | Philosophy of Mind: Mind, Body and World | 6 |
PHIL318 | Stories in Our Lives: Mind, Self and Psychosis | 6 |
Plus a minimum of ONE from the following: |
PHIL106 | Media, Art and Society | 6 |
PHIL107 | Introduction to Philosophy | 6 |
PHIL151 | Logic: The Art of Reasoning | 6 |
Plus a minimum of ONE from the following: |
PHIL227 | The Meaning of Life: Absurdity and Existence | 6 |
PHIL329 | Imagination and Emotion | 6 |
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Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
A minimum of TWO from the following: |
CAVA124 | Introduction to Photography 1 | 6 |
CAVA125 | Introduction to Photography 2 | 6 |
CAVA126 | Introduction to Photography Intensive | 6 |
Plus a minimum of TWO from the following: |
CAVA224 | Advanced Photography 1 | 6 |
CAVA225 | Advanced Photography 2 | 6 |
CAVA226 | Advanced Photography Intensive | 6 |
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Complete a minimum of 24 credit points of subjects from the Politics major. A minimum of 12 credit points must be at 200 or 300 level.
A maximum of one subject with an INTS prefix can be included.
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Science and Technology Studies
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
A minimum of ONE from the following: |
STS 112 | Changing Perceptions of Nature | 6 |
STS 209 | Science and Culture | 6 |
Plus: |
STS 216 | Environmental Sustainability, Risk and Governance | 6 |
STS 286 | Risk, Media and Communication | 6 |
STS 302 | Climate Change Policy, Possible Futures | 6 |
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Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
A minimum of ONE from the following: |
SOC 103 | Introduction to Sociology | 6 |
SOC 104 | Investigating Society | 6 |
Plus the following: |
SOC 207 | Introduction to Social Theory | 6 |
SOC 234 | Social Research Methods | 6 |
Plus ONE subject from the schedule of the Sociology major |
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Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
*Beginner Entry |
SPAN151 | Spanish for Beginners 1 | 6 |
SPAN152 | Spanish for Beginners 2 | 6 |
SPAN241 | Intermediate Spanish 1 | 6 |
SPAN242 | Intermediate Spanish 2 | 6 |
*Intermediate Entry |
SPAN241 | Intermediate Spanish 1 | 6 |
SPAN242 | Intermediate Spanish 2 | 6 |
SPAN341 | Advanced Spanish 1 | 6 |
SPAN342 | Advanced Spanish 2 | 6 |
* Definitions of beginner and intermediate entry is available on the Spanish major handbook.
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The Theatre Minor is not available to students studying the Bachelor of Performance and Theatre.
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
CAPF111 | Stagecraft 1: Creative Technologies | 6 |
CAPF112 | Stagecraft 2: Creative Technologies in Practice | 6 |
Plus a minimum of TWO from the following: |
CAPF206 | Theatre Studio: Solo to Ensemble | 6 |
CAPF207 | Theatre Studio: Mediatised performance | 6 |
CAPF209 | Theatre Studio: Physical Practices in Contemporary Theatre | 6 |
CAPF232 | Contemporary Australian Theatre and its Context | 6 |
CAPF308 | Theatre, Politics and Spectatorship | 6 |
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Technical Theatre
The Technical Theatre Minor is not available to students studying the Bachelor of Performance.
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
CAPA111 | Stage Management | 6 |
CAPA112 | Introduction to Lighting and Sound | 6 |
Plus a minimum of ONE from the following: |
CAPA211 | Technical Theatre: Production 1 | 6 |
CAPA212 | Technical Theatre: Production 2 | 6 |
Plus a minimum of ONE from the following: |
CAOS204 | Sound Design | 6 |
CAPA216 | Lighting | 6 |
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Visual Arts
The Visual Arts Minor Study is not available to students studying Visual Arts or the Visual Arts and Design Major.
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points |
A minimum of TWO from the following: |
CAVA111 | Visual Arts Studio Workshop A | 6 |
CAVA112 | Visual Arts Studio Workshop B | 6 |
CAVA113 | Visual Arts Studio Workshop C | 6 |
CAVA124 | Introduction to Photography 1 | 6 |
CAVA125 | Introduction to Photography 2 | 6 |
CAVA126 | Introduction to Photography Intensive | 6 |
MEDA102 | Alternative Cinemas | 6 |
Plus a minimum of TWO from the following: |
CAOS202 | Word and Image | 6 |
MEDA202 | Tangible Media | 6 |
CAVA211 | Visual Arts Studio Workshop D | 6 |
CAVA212 | Visual Arts Studio Workshop E | 6 |
CAVA213 | Visual Arts Studio Workshop F | 6 |
CAVA224 | Advanced Photography 1 | 6 |
CAVA225 | Advanced Photography 2 | 6 |
CAVA226 | Advanced Photography Intensive | 6 |
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Other Information
For further information email the Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts: lha-enquiries@uow.edu.au.
Last reviewed: 23 July, 2020