2020 Undergraduate Courses
  • Students are to follow the requirements of the Handbook for the year they commenced the course.

    However, the subject links below do not contain the subject information for the current year. You can view current subject information through the new Course Handbook.

Bachelor of Science (Environment) | 2020 

In this course you will study the interaction of living and non-living elements of planet Earth, along with past and present human impacts. You will combine fieldwork, practical experience and research in geosciences, chemistry and the biological sciences to investigate environmental issues and propose strategies and solutions to address these problems. You will use multidisciplinary techniques and approaches, including mapping, laboratory and field data collection and observations to develop an understanding of the environment, and the ethical, social, economic and political aspects that are needed for environmental decision making.

At the completion of the degree, students who have met the required academic standard may enrol in the Bachelor of Science (Honours), subject to approval of the Head of School. See separate entry for the Bachelor of Science (Honours).

Major Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this major students will be able to:

MLO Description
1 Demonstrate broad and coherent knowledge and understanding of the trends, processes and impacts that shape the Earth and its environment including local, national, global, cultural, Indigenous and spatial perspectives.
2 Critically evaluate information and data to assess scientific methods and frameworks in the environmental sciences.
3 Develop hypotheses and experiments to test against evidence-based scientific facts, laws, principles and evidence.
4 Identify and articulate real world problems derived from the environmental sciences.
5 Apply knowledge and appropriate techniques, including those associated with fieldwork, to evaluate possible solutions to real world problems and defend choice of solution against alternatives.
6 Locate, synthesise and evaluate data, information, results and literature pertaining to the environmental sciences using appropriate methods, measurements, tools and technologies.
7 Communicate environmental science perspectives and knowledge effectively to a range of audiences using appropriate technologies and communication skills.
8 Demonstrate ethical, professional, public and personal conduct and capacity to reflect on and direct own learning and practice and participate constructively in decision-making within the context of environmental sciences.

Course Structure

To qualify for award of the degree, the Bachelor of Science (Environment), a candidate must successfully complete at least 144 credit points, as outlined below.

Students who have not completed HSC Mathematics at Band 4 or higher (or equivalent) are required to complete a mathematics subject (MATH151 or equivalent) normally in the first year.

Subject Code Subject Name Credit Points Session(s)
Year 1
BIOL104Evolution, Biodiversity and Environment6Autumn
EESC101Planet Earth6Autumn
SCII101Global Challenges in Science6Autumn
Select ONE of the following subjects:
Note: Students who have achieved a mark of 65% or more in NSW HSC Chemistry or equivalent must select CHEM101 and CHEM102. All other students must select CHEM104 and CHEM105.
CHEM101Chemistry IA: Introductory Physical and General Chemistry6Autumn
CHEM104Foundation Chemistry: Properties of Matter6Autumn
EESC103Earth's Dynamic Surface6Spring
EESC102Earth's Interconnected Spheres6Spring
EESC105Introductory Geospatial Analysis6Autumn, Spring
Select ONE of the following subjects:
CHEM102Chemistry 1B: Structure and Reactivity of Molecules for Life6Spring
CHEM105Foundation Chemistry: Reactions and Structures6Spring
Year 2: When selecting 200 level subjects students should note the pre-requisites required for the 300-level subjects they wish to take.
Autumn Year 2
BIOL251Principles of Ecology6Autumn
EESC207Advanced Geospatial Analysis6Spring
PHYS233Introduction to Environmental Physics6Autumn
*MATH151 MUST be completed by all students who have not completed NSW HSC Mathematics or equivalent at Band 4 or higher
MATH151General Mathematics 1A6Autumn, Spring
Plus 6 Credit points of elective subjects from the General Elective Schedule, Science Schedule or from the list of suggested subjects below;
BIOL105Functional Biology of Animals and Plants6Autumn
EESC203Biogeography and Environmental Change6Autumn
CRLP200Career Ready Learning & Practice6Autumn, Spring
Spring Year 2
CHEM214Analytical and Environmental Chemistry6Spring
EESC202Shaping Earth's Surface6Spring
PHIL256Environmental Philosophy: Animals, Nature and Ethics6Spring
STAT252Statistics For the Natural Sciences6Spring
Autumn Year 3
12 credit points from the list of suggested subjects below AND 12 credit points of elective subjects from the General Elective Schedule, Science Schedule or from the list of suggested subjects below;
Note: Students MUST complete a minimum of 24 Credit Points at 300 level or above
BIOL361Conservation Biology6Autumn
EESC323Fluvial Geomorphology and Sedimentology6Autumn
GEOS215Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Palaeoenvironments6Autumn
CHEM324Chemical Analysis and Inference6Autumn
CHEM337Environmental Chemistry6Autumn
EESC321Plate Tectonics, Macrotopography and Earth History6Autumn
GEOG338Planning Urban Futures6Autumn
Spring Year 3
EESC331Changing Global Environments6Spring
Select ONE of the following two subjects;
SCII302Science Interdisciplinary Project6Not available in 2020
EESC320Project Management in the Earth and Environmental Sciences6Autumn, Spring
Plus 12 credit points from the list of subjects below
Note: Students MUST complete a minimum of 24 Credit points at 300 level or above
EESC209G-cubed: Geochemistry, Geochronology, Geophysics6Spring
EESC322Coastal Environments: Process and Management6Spring
EESC326Resources and Environments6Spring
BIOL365Marine and Terrestrial Ecology6Spring
BIOL252Evolution and Behaviour6Spring
CHEM370Modern Inorganic and Bio-inorganic Chemistry6Spring
GEOG337Policy for Environmental and Heritage Management6Spring
SCII302Science Interdisciplinary Project6Not available in 2020
EESC320Project Management in the Earth and Environmental Sciences6Autumn, Spring


Students are encouraged to consider taking a Minor study as part of the BSc program. Inclusion of a minor in support of your major area of study allows you to broaden your view, knowledge and expertise while specialising in areas of interest.

Details on Minors can be found at 2020 Schedule of minors

Options include (but not limited too): Earth and Environmental Science, Geoscience, Physical Geography, Archaeology, Biochemistry, Biodiversity, Ecology, Molecular Biology, Geology, Marine Biology

A selection of research internships or project-based subjects may also be available to high achieving students wishing to complement their coursework with research projects. Entry into these subjects requires approval from the Head of School.

Entry Requirements and Credit Arrangements

Information on academic and English language requirements, as well as eligibility for credit for prior learning, is available from the Course Finder.

Other Information

For further information please email: smah-students@uow.edu.au

Last reviewed: 3 August, 2020