2020 Undergraduate Courses
  • Students are to follow the requirements of the Handbook for the year they commenced the course.

    However, the subject links below do not contain the subject information for the current year. You can view current subject information through the new Course Handbook.

Environmental Humanities | 2020  

A major in Environmental Humanities will equip you with the tools to analyse, critique and engage with contemporary debates about the environment. You will acquire a deep and critical understanding of the social contexts through which we experience environmental issues and problems such as climate change, species loss, adaptation, exploitation and natural disasters. You will gain a clear understanding of the role of cultural forces (histories, narratives, cultural values and ethics) that influence and shape relationships to the environment. 

Entry Requirements & Credit Arrangements

Information on academic and English language requirements, as well as eligibility for credit for prior learning, is available from the Course Finder.

Major Learning Outcomes

On completion of this major students will be able to:

CLO Description
1 Analyse diverse theoretical approaches to humans’ relationship with the environment
2 Evaluate the influence of key humanities theorists on contemporary environmental debates and policies
3 Apply a multidisciplinary approach to analysing pressing environmental issues

Subjects Required For Major Study

Students studying the Environmental Humanities major will complete at least 48 credit points as outlined below:

Subject Code Subject Name Credit Points
Year 1 Core
STC 100 Environment, Technology and Culture6
Year 2 Core - a minimum of TWO from the following:
INDS205 Indigenous Peoples and the Environment 6
PHIL256 Environmental Philosophy: Animals, Nature and Ethics 6
STS 216 Environmental Sustainability, Risk and Governance 6
Year 3 Core
STS 302 Climate Change Policy, Possible Futures (Capstone) 6

Elective List

A minimum of FOUR from the following. At least THREE of these MUST be 300-level:

CMP 100 Ocean Conservation and Development 6
HIST292 Power and Protest 6
SOC 208 Cities, Communities and Families 6
SOC 226 Activism, Change and Society6
SOC 235 Living with Animals 6
GEOG222 Society and Environment: Resources, Challenges, Futures 6
GEOG224 The Future of Food: Resilience, Communities and Policy 6
SOC 251 Genetics, Biotechnology and Society 6
STS 286 Risk, Media and Communication 6
PHIL326 Bioethics 6
ENGL381 Animals and Ecology in Literature and Film 6
GEOG337 Policy for Environmental and Heritage Management6
CAVA332 Art, Nature and the Environment 6
INTS311 Human Security, Global Capitalism and the Environment 6

Click on subject codes in the above table for information on sessions of offer for each subject. To find out specific information on timetables, tutorials, and classes, visit the Timetable page.

Minor Study

A 24 credit point minor in Environmental Humanities is available. Information can be found on the 2020 General Schedule of Minors page.

Students cannot complete both a major and a minor in Environmental Humanities.


See Bachelor of Arts (Honours).

Work Integrated Learning

Undertaking a work integrated learning experience during your university education is now a significant contributor to being competitive in securing employment in your field of choice when you graduate from UOW.

The internship program provides students with an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in their degree in a workplace setting.

Students are also encouraged to consider CRLP200 'Career Ready Learning and Practice' (6cp). CRLP200 includes a quality assured workplace internship or industry project to give you that competitive edge by developing your professional skills through authentic learning in a real world context. You will focus on your career goals and receive career direction guidance, strengthen your resume and gain skills to navigate the rapidly changing world of work, develop your communication skills and begin to build a professional network.

Other Information

For further information email: askuow@uow.edu.au

Last reviewed: 23 July, 2020