2020 Undergraduate Courses
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Bachelor of Health and Physical Education (Dean's Scholar) | 2020

Testamur Title of Degree:

Bachelor of Health and Physical Education (Dean's Scholar)



UOW Course Code:




Total Credit Points:



4 years full-time or part-time equivalent

Home Faculty:

Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Intake Session(s):


Delivery Mode:


Delivery Campus / UAC Code:

Wollongong / 755201


The Bachelor of Health and Physical Education (Dean's Scholar) degree provides an enriched educational experience for motivated, high achieving students who wish to pursue a career as a Health and Physical Education teacher. The purpose of the Dean’s Scholar program is to enhance students’ professional knowledge and engagement with the research culture of our Faculty, and build partnerships and contribute to the local community.

Dean's Scholars will have access to an academic mentor, extended library privileges, invitations to attend School workshops and seminars, and networking events. There is also the opportunity for casual employment in the UOW Faculty of Social Sciences, community research, or projects supervised by leading practitioners or scholars for 15 hours per year.

Professional Experience is a compulsory component of this course and usually occurs in the Illawarra, Shoalhaven, Southern Highlands and Southern Sydney schools. There are also opportunities for students to apply for ‘out-of-area’ (e.g. in rural NSW) Professional Experience and overseas teaching experiences in countries such as Thailand, China and Malaysia.

Entry Requirements and Credit Arrangements

Information on academic and English language requirements, as well as eligibility for credit for prior learning, is available from the Course Finder

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes are statements of learning achievement that are expressed in terms of what the learner is expected to know, understand and be able to do upon completion of a course. Students graduating from this course will be able to:

CLO Description
1 Demonstrate broad and coherent pedagogical and content knowledge for the teaching profession.
2 Demonstrate pedagogical & content knowledge required to integrate across curricula areas.
3 Have well-developed skills in student-focused pedagogy and practice to manipulate mandatory documents related to policy, student learning and integrate teaching across curricula areas.
4 Engage in mentored and self-regulated development activities both within and outside the university setting.
5 Demonstrate a high quality understanding of the connection between research and theory and the ability to use this knowledge to inform their practice as a teacher.
6 Display well-developed communication and evaluation skills as a reflective practitioner, articulating and analysing the complex and dynamic role of the teacher in the learning environment.
7 Apply pedagogical skills and content knowledge to solve educational problems, integrate technology in the classroom, plan for all learners, apply pedagogical strategies for differentiation and reflect on their practice.
8 Demonstrate higher order thinking skills associated with evolving educational climate.
9 Demonstrate the ability to autonomously apply educational ethics that value student differences, the importance of differentiation and social justice.

Course Structure

The Bachelor of Health and Physical Education (Dean’s Scholar) requires the following:

  1. The successful completion of 192 credit points comprising:
    1. 30 core subjects (186cp);
    2. 1 elective subject (6cp); and
    3. No more than 60 credit points will be at 100 level.
  2. The successful completion of the Professional Experience components embedded in the course.
  3. Students must successfully complete 36 credit points from the Year 1 subjects (including PSYS150) to be eligible for the first Professional Experience and to enrol in Year 2 subjects. Students should also note that a number of subject pre-requisites will be in place throughout the course.
  4. Students must maintain a minimum weighted average mark (WAM) of 80 in each year of enrolment, from and including Year 2, to remain enrolled in the Dean’s Scholar program. 
  5. Students must have passed all core subjects in the first three and a half years of their degree, successfully completed the Literacy and Numeracy Test (LANTITE) and be enrolled in any annual and final semester core subjects to be eligible for their final Professional Experience.
  6. Students must successfully complete all subject requirements, including the teaching performance assessment (UOW TPA) in EDPS402, to be eligible to graduate.
Subject Code Subject Name Credit Points Session(s)
Year 1
EDLE100 Learning in Higher Education 6 Autumn
MATH131 Essentials of Numeracy and Mathematics for Educators 6 Autumn
MEDI100 Human Structure and Function 6 Autumn
PSYS150 Foundations of Human Development and Behaviour 6 Autumn
EDPH101 About Young People 6 Spring
HAS 121 Human Development in Social Context 6 Spring
MEDI113 Physiology of Sport, Exercise and Physical Activities 6 Spring
PSYC116 Psychology of Physical Activity and Health 6 Spring
Year 2
EDPH102 Meanings of Health 6 Autumn
EDPS200 Education Foundations: Introduction to Teacher Education 6 Autumn
EDPM204 Foundations of Movement Skill Acquisition 6 Autumn
EDPS222 Teachers as Communicators 6 Autumn
EDPM202 Analysis of Games and Sport 1 6 Spring
EDPS201 Quality Teaching and Learning in Secondary Education I 6 Spring
EDAE302 Aboriginal Education 6 Spring
EDPS302 Creating Positive Learning Environments 6 Spring
Year 3
EDPM205 Promoting Lifelong Physical Activity 6 Autumn
EDLE301 Learners With Exceptional Needs 6 Autumn
EDPS301 Quality Teaching and Learning in Secondary Education II 6 Autumn
EDIC401 Effective use of ICT for Teaching & Learning 6 Autumn
EDPM201 Performing and Teaching Rhythmic Movement Activities 6 Spring
EDLD302 Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students 6 Spring
EDPH312 Promoting Wellbeing 1: Safe Living, Road Safety and Drugs 6 Spring
EDER202 Dean's Scholars Project 6 Spring
Year 4
EDUP235 Biomechanics For Educators 6 Autumn
EDPH300 Promoting Wellbeing 2: Sexual Health, Relationships and Sexualities 6 Autumn
EDPM301 Analysis of Games and Sport 2 6 Autumn
EDPS401 Quality Teaching and Learning in Secondary Education III 6 Autumn
EDPH401 Application of Health Education in School and Community Settings 6 Spring
EDPS402 Leadership,Management & Professional Learning in Secondary Education 12 Spring
Plus ONE elective subject at 200 level or above selected from the Health and Physical Education Electives list below or from the General Schedule with approval from the Academic Program Director 6 Spring

Health and Physical Education Electives

Subject Code Subject Name Credit Points  
EDUP491 Inclusive Physical Education 6 Not available in 2020
EDPE401 Sports Studies 1 6 Not available in 2020
EDPE402 Community Placement 6 Not available in 2020
EDPE403 Intervention Skills for Teachers 6 Spring
EDPE405 Sports Studies 2 6 Not available in 2020
EDPE406 Advanced Exploration of Games and Sports 6 Not available in 2020
EDPH301 Socio-cultural Perspectives on Physical Activity and Physical Edu 6 Not available in 2020
EDPE202 Health Promotion 6 Spring
EDPE203 Principles and Practices of Coaching 6 Spring

For information regarding timetables, tutorials, and classes please the visit the Timetables and Classes page.

Compulsory Work Placement / Online Components

This course contains a total of 560 hours or approximately 80 days of compulsory work-based placements, completed over 24 weeks throughout the degree. This course may also contain compulsory components to be completed online.


Students who have achieved a high level of academic performance in the first two and a half years of the Bachelor of Health and Physical Education may apply to transfer to the Bachelor of Health and Physical Education (Honours).

Professional Recognition/Accreditation

This degree is accredited and recognised as a national professional teaching qualification. Students seeking work outside NSW or Australia are advised to check with potential employers and other teacher registration authorities for any additional requirements.

The University of Wollongong is committed to supporting students to meet the accreditation requirements to teach in Catholic Diocesan schools. Please contact your Academic Program Director for more information.

Other Information

For further information email: askuow@uow.edu.au

Last reviewed: 22 July, 2020