2019 Postgraduate Courses
  • Students are to follow the requirements of the Handbook for the year they commenced the course.

    However, the subject links below do not contain the subject information for the current year. You can view current subject information through the new Course Handbook.

Graduate Diploma in Work Health & Safety | 2019

Testamur Title of Degree:

Graduate Diploma in Work Health & Safety



UOW Course Code:




Total Credit Points:



1 year full-time or part-time equivalent

Home Faculty:

Faculty of Social Sciences

Intake Session(s):


Delivery Mode:


Delivery Campus / UAC Code:

Wollongong / 935122


The Graduate Diploma in Work Health & Safety provides an intensive professional program of study in the area of occupational health & safety. The advanced knowledge and skills developed throughout the course will equip graduates to address the complex nature of workplace occupational health and safety issues through technical knowledge and application as well as an emphasis on communication skills and techniques essential to effectively convey work health and safety strategies.

Entry Requirements

Information on academic and English language requirements, as well as eligibility for credit for prior learning, is available from the Course Finder.

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes are statements of learning achievement that are expressed in terms of what the learner is expected to know, understand and be able to do upon completion of a course. Students graduating from this course will be able to:

CLO Description
1 Critically review, investigate and evaluate WHS issues using data, research and argument.
2 Generate and demonstrate effective responses to WHS issues with creativity, logic and critical thinking.
3 Effectively generate and transmit work health & safety knowledge, skills and ideas to collaborate and engage with people in different settings and different cultural environments.
4 Describe and demonstrate strategies to acknowledge, appreciate and respect diversity.
5 Develop strategies to maintain personal integrity within the field of WHS.
6 Identify, critically evaluate, transform and apply appropriate resources and technologies for professional practice in WHS in order to function effectively in the digital environment.

Course Structure

The Graduate Diploma in Work Health & Safety requires the successful completion of 48 credit points of subjects in accordance with the course structure and recommended subject progression table below.

Subject Code Subject Name Credit Points Session(s)
HAS 860 People & Work 6 Autumn
HAS 871 WHS Risk Management 6 Autumn
HAS 980 Industrial Epidemiology & Toxicology 6 Autumn
LAW 969 Work Health and Safety Law 6Winter
HAS 870 Work Injury Management 6 Spring
HAS 861 Workplace Hazards & Hygiene 6 Spring
HAS 973 Occupational Health & Safety Systems 6 Spring
HAS 961 Physical Hazards at Work 6 Spring

For information regarding timetables, tutorials, and classes please the visit the Timetables and Classes page.  

Professional Recognition/Accreditation

The Graduate Diploma in Work Health & Safety has been accredited by the Australian Occupational Health & Safety Educators Accreditation Board (AOHSEAB) and the Institution of Occupational Safety & Health (IOSH) of the UK.

Other Information

For further information email: ssc@uow.edu.au

Last reviewed: 10 October, 2018