2018 Undergraduate Courses
  • Students are to follow the requirements of the Handbook for the year they commenced the course.

    However, the subject links below do not contain the subject information for the current year. You can view current subject information through the new Course Handbook.

Bachelor of Medical Mathematics (Dean's Scholar) | 2018

Testamur Title of Degree:

Bachelor of Medical Mathematics (Dean's Scholar)



UOW Course Code:




Total Credit Points:



3 years full-time or part-time equivalent

Home Faculty:

Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences

Intake Session(s):


Delivery Mode:

On-campus (Face-to-face)

Delivery Campus / UAC Code:

Wollongong / 756535


Dean's Scholars degrees are highly recognisable, giving students the edge in competitive employment. The degree offers a challenging and enriched educational experience for high-achieving students who want to perform above the level normally expected. Students are also encouraged to continue their studies through the completion of Honours and research programs.

Students complete the normal course requirements for the degree, but receive special privileges as they study such as accelerated learning, where possible, and academic mentoring. Dean’s Scholars are also encouraged to contribute to the scholarly life of the Faculty through events in the Faculty's postgraduate program.

Places are limited each year. Current students who have achieved a weighted average mark (WAM) of 80 at the end of one year of full-time study in a relevant degree may apply to transfer to the Dean’s Scholar degree.

Continuation in the Dean's Scholar degrees will normally be dependent on the student achieving a WAM of at least 80 in each year of study. Students who do not meet the required average will be transferred to the equivalent non-Dean's Scholar degree.

Please note that the Dean's Scholar Program is not offered for double degrees and is not a scholarship.

Entry Requirements & Credit Arrangements

Information on academic and English language requirements, as well as eligibility for credit for prior learning, is available from the Course Finder.

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes are statements of learning achievement that are expressed in terms of what the learner is expected to know, understand and be able to do upon completion of a course. Students graduating from this course will be able to demonstrate:

CLO Description
1 Demonstrate a coherent core understanding of the fundamentals of both the mathematical and statistical disciplines.
2 Exhibit depth and breadth of knowledge in one or more of the discipline areas of applied mathematics and statistics.
3 Integrate knowledge derived from the medical, biological, physical and behavioural sciences.
4 Investigate, solve and critically interpret practical and/or abstract problems using mathematical and/or statistical methods, including appropriate software tools.
5 Appropriately communicate mathematical and/or statistical reasoning and conclusions to different audiences, using various delivery modes.
6 Apply professional, social and ethical approaches in learning to extend existing knowledge and work effectively and responsibly as an individual or in a team context.
7 Plan and compose a research-based project or piece of scholarship that demonstrates understanding and critical analysis in medical mathematics.

Course Structure

Students who enrol in Bachelor of Medical Mathematics (Dean's Scholar) shall satisfactorily complete 144 credit points of prescribed subjects plus electives in accordance with the table below. 

Subject Code Subject Name Credit Points Session(s)
Year 1
Students must choose ONE of the following two subjects:
CHEM101 Chemistry IA: Introductory Physical and General Chemistry 6 Autumn
CHEM104 Foundation Chemistry: Properties of Matter 6 Autumn
Note: Students who have achieved a mark of 65% or more in NSW HSC Chemistry (or equivalent) must select CHEM101. All other students must enrol in CHEM104.
PSYC101 Introduction to Behavioural Science 6 Autumn, Summer 2017/2018
MATH187 Mathematics 1: Algebra and Differential Calculus 6 Autumn
MEDI100 Human Structure and Function 6 Autumn
Students must choose ONE of the following two subjects:
CHEM102 Chemistry 1B: Structure and Reactivity of Molecules for Life 6 Spring
CHEM105 Foundation Chemistry: Reactions and Structures 6 Spring
Note: Students who have achieved a mark of 65% or more in NSW HSC Chemistry (or equivalent) must select CHEM102. All other students must enrol in CHEM105.
BIOL103 Molecules, Cells and Organisms 6 Spring
MATH188 Mathematics 2: Series and Integral Calculus 6 Spring
PHYS155 Introduction to Biomedical Physics 6 Spring
Year 2
MATH201 Multivariate and Vector Calculus 6 Autumn
MATH203 Linear Algebra 6 Autumn
BIOL213 Principles of Biochemistry 6 Autumn
STAT231 Probability and Random Variables 6 Autumn
MATH202 Differential Equations 2 6 Spring
MATH212 Applied Mathematical Modelling 2 6 Spring
BIOL215 Introductory Genetics 6 Spring
STAT232 Estimation and Hypothesis Testing 6 Spring
Year 3
MATH302 Differential Equations 3 6 Autumn
MATH329 Medical Mathematics and Applications 6 Autumn
STAT335 Sample Surveys and Experimental Design 6 Autumn
Elective chosen from the table below 6 Autumn
MATH305 Partial Differential Equations 6 Spring
MATH321 Numerical Analysis 6 Spring
STAT332 Linear and Generalised Linear Models 6 Spring
Complete ONE of the following Dean's Scholar core subjects
MATH235 Mathematics Project A 6 Autumn, Spring
STAT235 Statistics Project A 6 Spring


The following subjects are approved for inclusion in the Bachelor of Medical Mathematics (Dean's Scholar) degree.

Subject Code subject Name Credit Points Session(s)
MATH222 Continuous Mathematics 6 Autumn
MATH204 Complex Variables and Group Theory 6 Spring
STAT333 Statistical Inference 6 Spring
MATH345 Mathematics Project B 6 Autumn, Spring
Or any other MATH, STAT, BIOL or CHEM subject at 300 level, and any subject from the General Schedule.

Accelerated Program

Students who meet the entry requirements for the Bachelor of Mathematics Advanced, currently requiring an ATAR of 95 and a high performance in Mathematics Extension 2, will be considered for an accelerated form of the above program. This involves permission to replace MATH187 and MATH188 by MATH110 Advanced Mathematics, and the opportunity to enrol in MATH345 Mathematics Project B and STAT345 Statistics Project.

Other Information

For further information email: eis@uow.edu.au or Academic Program Director

Last reviewed: 24 November, 2017