2018 Postgraduate Courses
  • Students are to follow the requirements of the Handbook for the year they commenced the course.

    However, the subject links below do not contain the subject information for the current year. You can view current subject information through the new Course Handbook.

Doctor of Philosophy | 2018

Testamur Title of Degree:

Doctor of Philosophy



UOW Course Code:



Engineering - 087634B
Information Science - 087636M
Mathematics - 087637K
Physics - 087635A

Total Credit Points:



4 years full-time or part-time equivalent

Home Faculty:

Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences

Intake Session(s):


Delivery Mode:

Individual supervised research

Delivery Campus:



Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) candidates undertake in-depth research in order to make an original contribution to the body of knowledge in a chosen field of study. This qualification can lead to, or enhance, an academic career and is also highly regarded by public and private sector employers.

Entry Requirements & Credit Arrangements

Information on academic and English language requirements, as well as eligibility for credit for prior learning, is available from the Course Finder.

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes are statements of learning achievement that are expressed in terms of what the learner is expected to know, understand and be able to do upon completion of a course. Students graduating from this course will be able to demonstrate:

CLO Description
1 Demonstrate expert, specialised cognitive technical and research skills in a discipline area to independently and systematically generate original knowledge and understanding to make a substantial scholarly contribution to a discipline.
2 Critically reflect on, synthesis and evaluate a substantial and complex body of knowledge at the frontier of a discipline area.
3 Communicate research findings, explaining and critiquing theoretical propositions, methodologies, results and conclusions to peers and to the community.
4 Apply detailed knowledge of research, research integrity, ethics and the rights and safety of others, to plan and execute original research with intellectual independence and with full autonomy, authoritative judgement, adaptability and responsibility for personal outputs.

Course Structure

This program is 100% by thesis. Candidates enrol in a 48 credit point thesis subject and repeat the same enrolment for each year of study, usually over four years of full-time study. Students may be required to attend lectures in relevant topics from time to time throughout the program.

Subject Code Subject Name Credit Points Session(s)
THES924 Thesis Full Time 24 Autumn, Spring
THES912 Thesis Part Time 12 Autumn, Spring

Research Areas

Areas of research available to candidates undertaking the PhD with the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences are listed under each of the Faculty’s disciplines along with a list of research projects in each discipline:


Other Information

It is possible to downgrade enrolment from a PhD to a Master of Philosophy, with the permission of the Head of School.

For further information email: eis@uow.edu.au

Last reviewed: 24 November, 2017