- Students are to follow the requirements of the Handbook for the year they commenced the course.
However, the subject links below do not contain the subject information for the current year. You can view current subject information through the new Course Handbook.
English Literatures Major | 2017
The English Literatures major introduces you to a broad range of texts—novels, poetry, essays, short stories, film, diaries and letters—from medieval times to the modern. The major in English Literatures teaches you to analyse what you read with sharp critical skills and cultural sensitivity, and to articulate your response with power and precision. A strong international focus underpins our subjects and our ways of teaching them: you will be encouraged to enquire into the politics of the writing and reception of texts, and to understand aesthetics and the value of literature within a range of cultural contexts.
The core subjects within the degree ensure a grounding in the historical development of English Literatures at 200 level and an engagement with literary theory at 300 level. English Literatures may be combined with any other approved Bachelor of Arts major. It is often taken as a major in Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Laws double-degree, and is an ideal second major for Journalism and Professional Writing students in the Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies.
Major Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this major students will be able to:
- Acquire knowledge of literary texts from a range of periods and places and an understanding of the importance of social, cultural, historical and geographical contexts;
- Understand and deploy changing theories, methods and concepts in literary studies;
- Read, understand and interpret complex literary texts;
- Locate, assess and use appropriate scholarly resources;
- Construct coherent arguments and communicate them effectively in oral and written form;
- Apply relevant skills and knowledge to recognise and reflect on the significance of literary texts in imagining and interpreting the social world.
Subjects Required for Major Study
A major study in English Literatures is made up of at least 48 credit points as outlined in the table below:
Subject Code | Subject Name | Credit Points | Session(s) |
Core | |||
ENGL120 | An Introduction to Literature and Film | 6 | Autumn |
ENGL379 | Desiring Bodies: Gender & Sexuality in Literature & Film | 6 | Not offered in this year |
ENGL383 | Contemporary Fiction and Film (Capstone) | 6 | Not offered in this year |
Plus TWO from the following: | |||
ENGL271 | The Romantics | 6 | Autumn |
ENGL274 | Victorians | 6 | Spring |
ENGL276 | Dreams and Visions in Literature and Film | 6 | Autumn |
Plus THREE electives from the following. At least TWO must be at 300 level. | |||
ENGL131 | Australian Fiction and Film | 6 | Spring |
ENGL272 | Introduction to Poetry | 6 | Not offered in this year |
ENGL273 | Text and Transformation | 6 | Not offered in this year |
ENGL275 | US Literature | 6 | Autumn |
ENGL277 | Literatures of Migration, Displacement and Refuge | 6 | Autumn |
ENGL278 | Scrolls Books and Blogs: The History of Books and Readers | 6 | Spring |
ENGL279 | Exploring Popular Literature | 6 | Not offered in this year |
ENGL300 | Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature | 6 | Not offered in this year |
ENGL357 | Sex, Power, and Chivalry - Medieval to Modern Literature | 6 | Not offered in this year |
ENGL361 | The Modernists | 6 | Not offered in this year |
ENGL378 | Special Topic in English Literature | 6 | Not offered in this year |
ENGL382 | Social Justice and Children's Literature | 6 | Not offered in this year |
ENGL381 | Animals and Ecology in Literature and Film | 6 | Not offered in this year |
Students may count the following towards the English Literatures major: | |||
LANG335 | Literature and Society in Renaissance Europe | 6 | Not offered in this year |
CACW104 | Text and Context | 6 | Spring |
CACW231 | Writing, Representation and Power | 6 | Autumn |
CACW232 | Writing and Critical Theory | 6 | Spring |
Minor Study
A minor in English Literatures is available and consists of at least 24 credit points of subjects from the schedule of the English Literatures major. Students must complete at least 12 credit points of subjects at the 200 level or higher.
Credit Arrangements
Credit and articulation arrangements are available from the Course Finder. Refer to UOW's credit arrangements for information on how to apply for credit.
Other Information
Further information is available at:
UOW Course Finder
Email: lha-enquiries@uow.edu.au