2020 Undergraduate Courses
  • Students are to follow the requirements of the Handbook for the year they commenced the course.

    However, the subject links below do not contain the subject information for the current year. You can view current subject information through the new Course Handbook.

Bachelor of Mathematics - Bachelor of Computer Science | 2020

Testamur Title of Degree:

Bachelor of Mathematics - Bachelor of Computer Science



UOW Course Code:




Total Credit Points:



4.5 years full-time or part-time equivalent

Home Faculty:

Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences

Intake Session(s):


Delivery Mode:

On-campus (Face-to-face)

Delivery Campus / UAC Code:

Wollongong / 751701


Double degrees aim to broaden a student's knowledge and skill base and improve career options in competitive, increasingly interactive fields. The programs are designed to enhance a student's educational, academic and professional qualifications whilst minimising the costs of their studies.

The Bachelor of Mathematics - Bachelor of Computer Science double degree offers an opportunity to combine the power of mathematics with knowledge bases in other disciplines. Pure Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis, Applied Statistics, and Industrial Mathematics are some of the programs that can be combined with Computer Science.

Entry Requirements & Credit Arrangements

Information on academic and English language requirements, as well as eligibility for credit for prior learning, is available from the Course Finder. Students must seek advice and approval from both Faculties before enrolment.

Course Learning Outcomes

A number of the course learning outcomes in each of these degrees complement and consolidate outcomes in the partner degree. Applied across two discipline areas, the outcomes are achieved at a broader and more comprehensive level. The outcomes which are common and consolidated in this joint degree ensure that on successful completion of the course students will be able to:

CLO Description
1 Demonstrate sound disciplinary knowledge.
2 Investigate and solve problems using discipline specific approaches.
3 Work as part of a team.
4 Apply professional, social and ethical approaches in learning and decision making.

Please refer to the Bachelor of Mathematics or Bachelor of Computer Science undergraduate course handbook page of each individual degree for a comprehensive list of degree course learning outcomes.

Course Structure

To qualify for the double degree of Bachelor of Mathematics - Bachelor of Computer Science, a candidate must satisfactorily complete at least 216 credit points and satisfy the requirements for the Bachelor of Mathematics and the Bachelor of Computer Science respectively, as specified in the Course Handbook.

To remain enrolled in the Bachelor of Mathematics-Bachelor of Computer Science a WAM of at least 65 must be achieved at the end of each calendar year. Students who have not achieved a WAM of at least 65 will be required to meet with the Academic Program Director, and may be required to transfer out of the double degree into either the Bachelor of Mathematics or the Bachelor of Computer Science.

Students who enrol in the Bachelor of Mathematics - Bachelor of Computer Science, must complete a minimum of 216 credit points including:

  1. Mathematics component to a total value of 102 credit points, consisting of

1.1   60 credit points of core subjects (excluding CSIT110)\
1.2   One of MATH212, MATH222, STAT201
1.3   6 credit points from the Mathematics Schedule in addition to the above requirements, and
1.4   30 credit points of 300- and/or 400-level subjects (additional to MATH301) from the Mathematics Schedule.

2. Computer Science component to the value of 114 credit points consisting of 90 credit points of core subjects and 24 credit points of 300- level computer science             subjects. (Students are not required to complete MATH221 from the Bachelor of Computer Science core.)

 The following program of study is recommended to satisfy the requirements in minimum time:

Subject Code Subject Name Credit Points Session(s)
Year 1
CSIT113Problem Solving6Autumn
CSIT114System Analysis6Autumn
MATH100Introduction to Mathematics6Autumn
MATH187Mathematics 1: Algebra and Differential Calculus6Autumn
CSIT111Programming Fundamentals6Autumn, Spring
CSIT115Data Management and Security6Autumn, Spring
MATH188Mathematics 2: Series and Integral Calculus6Spring
STAT101Introduction to Statistics6Spring
Year 2
CSIT121Object Oriented Design and Programming6Autumn, Spring, Summer 2020/2021
CSIT214IT Project Management6Autumn, Spring
MATH201Multivariate and Vector Calculus6Autumn
MATH202Differential Equations: Analysis and Applications6Autumn
CSIT127Networks and Communications6Spring
CSIT128Introduction to Web Technology6Spring
MATH123Discrete Mathematics and Difference Equations6Spring
Plus ONE subject from the following three:
MATH212Mathematical Modelling6Spring
MATH222Real Analysis6Autumn
STAT201Random Variables and Estimation6Autumn
Year 3
CSCI235Database Systems6Autumn, Spring
CSCI251Advanced Programming6Autumn, Spring
MATH300Complex Analysis6Autumn
CSCI203Algorithms and Data Structures6Spring
CSIT226Human Computer Interaction6Spring
MATH203Linear Algebra and Groups6Spring
MATH205Numerical Methods6Spring
Plus 6 credit points of 300- and/or 400-level subjects from the Mathematics Schedule.
Year 4
CSIT314Software Development Methodologies6Autumn
CSIT321Project12Annual, Spring 2020/Autumn 2021
Plus 18 credit points of 300- and/or 400-level subjects from the Mathematics Schedule.
Plus 12 credit points of 300-level Computer Science subjects.
Year 5 (1 session only)
Any 12 credit points of 300- and/or 400-level subjects from the Mathematics Schedule.
Plus 12 credit points of 300-level Computer Science subjects.


Please refer to the entries for the Bachelor of Mathematics and the Bachelor of Computer Science.


Candidates may apply to register to do either the Bachelor of Mathematics (Honours) or the Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours), or to do both sequentially, after the satisfactory completion of the double degree program.

Professional Recognition/Accreditation

The Bachelor of Computer Science is accredited by the Australian Computer Society as meeting the requirements for membership at a “Professional level”.

Other Information

Further information email: eis@uow.edu.au

Last reviewed: 2 July, 2020